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trophy moose hunting


Our moose hunts take place around the South fork of the Kuskokwim river. The areas we hunt see minimal moose hunting pressure. Over the years we have had a high success rate and taken a number of quality bulls!

Hunting Dates

  • Sept 11-20

Our moose hunts are 1x1. This is an over the counter moose hunt. It does not require a draw. The area we hunt is a fly in remote area in the Alaska Range and we only take one client per year in order to preserve the bull population in our area. The average size of the bulls we harvest are typically around the 60" mark. Our moose camps feature heated tents and hot meals twice a day. We typically glass these bulls from vantage points and then stalk them. We also do some calling depending on the weather. Hunters can expect to do some hiking and should be in shape if they want to maximize their experience. We hunt in the valleys and the hills of the Alaska range as shown in the pictures below. Hunters also have the option to harvest black bear that are plentiful in our area. 

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